Patrick and I are so blessed! We have these really awesome friends that we get to hang out with A LOT! They live not even a mile away so we get to enjoy walks together, meet up for dinner, go to church together, and now the best part.... raise our kids together! Basically, Landon and Reid are BFF and Lily and Reid are dating.

Here is little Lily girl... isn't she precious! Reid has great taste in girls!!

Having a great time at the waterpark!

Here is Lily showing off her belly saying "Whats up Reid!"

Lily is being a cute little girl and smiling for the camera and Reid is sick and tired of pictures. Poor guy... this is only the beginning!!!!

Andddd... there is LANDON!!!!!!! Reid is hoping that one day he can be as cool as Landon!

Reid sliding with his Daddy!
We had a great Father's Day weekend! I hope Patrick did anyway. He deserves the very best because he has been such a great Daddy to Reid! God sure did bless our little guy with a great Daddy! I love watching Reid's eyes light up as Patrick walks in the door each day. They have lots of fun times ahead of them. I am sure Patrick is so anxious to get Reid behind the lawnmower and scoring goals on the soccer field!

Reid is quickly learning to love the water! He has always enjoyed baths but is having to learn to like swimming. The problem is he is just to busy to be held in a swimming pool. He would much rather get down and swim on his own! He was a little worn out at the water park so he didn't hold up as long as the other kids.... but he was still a good sport and made the most of it!