Ok... be prepared for A LOT of pictures! I just couldn't narrow it down... they are all so stinkin cute! We had a GREAT day today! The weather was beautiful and we got to spend a lot of time outside! After a morning at church we came home for a quick nap then headed to Uncle Chuck and Aunt Debbie's for an Easter celebration!
Here is our handsome little guy in his special Easter shirt from Christy! (check out those muscular thighs!)

A picture with his Momma! How lucky am I to call myself Reid's Momma!!!!!

Picture with his oh so handsome Daddy!... and so proud to be sitting on his Daddy's knee!

Now for the fun...! I apparently forgot to get Reid an Easter basket and so I grabbed a Bath and Body Works sack. Lucky for me somebody came to the rescue and let us borrow this cute little blue basket!.... and he found his first egg! Pushing it into the basket with a little help from Mom.

Much more interested in the grass (Patrick was proud.)

So after I got his attention with the purple egg it went straight for the....

you guessed it! mouth!

Ah Ha! Another one right at his level!

Smart guy... reached up and pushed it right into his basket! This one had a little jingle to it also... REAL smart guy! (50 cents!)

Seriously Mom... ANOTHERRRRR picture?!!?!

"I refuse to continue looking at that darn camera...! Don't you know I am busy hunting easter eggs?!"

Starting to get the hang of it!

After lots of hard work... a picture with my Foley cousins!

I think it is safe to say Reid had a great Easter! Got lots of good stuff from the Easter bunny in his basket. We tried to explain the REAL reason for Easter this morning but Reid didn't really get it. Maybe next year! And just in case I haven't said this enough Thank you Jesus for allowing me to be this sweet boy's Momma!!!